
Volume 2 Issue 4 (October-December, 2014)

Original Articles

Strategic framework of safe and effective blood transfusion services
Ritcha Saxena, Melad Ahmed, Jeffrey Messner

Blood banking has advanced significantly in the past few centuries and has become a crucial component of healthcare. The life expectancy and quality of life of patients with a variety of acute and chronic illnesses is significantly increased due to transfusion, and it helps save millions of lives. All healthcare facilities that perform transfusions must have timely access to safe blood and blood products and data on best clinical transfusion practices, but in many developing and low-resource nations, there is a significant gap between blood requirement and blood availability. Furthermore, recognition of transfusion-associated complications and related information is not widely available everywhere. Despite their ubiquitous use, transfusion decisions are usually made without the proper training and on the basis of scant, frequently subpar evidence.Appropriate laws, regulations, frameworks, procedures, and structures are a necessity in order guarantee the security, efficacy, accessibility, and prompt availability of blood and blood products. However, there are many circumstances, particularly in less developed nations, when these requirements have hardly been put into practice.It is crucial that pathology and transfusion medicine departments worldwide collaborate to improve training, share best practice experiences, and advance the development of accepted standards in transfusion medicine in order to make high significant impact and lasting changes.This article aims to evaluate the issues and challenges with blood transfusion, and opportunities for improvement of blood banking services in the current climate

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