
Volume 7 Issue 3 (March, 2019)

Original Articles

To study the ultrasonography for the diagnosis of parenchymal thyroid diseases
Priyanka Mittal

Aim: To study the ultrasonography for the diagnosis of parenchymal thyroid diseases. Methods: This study was conducted in the Department of Radiology. Patients were divided into five groups such as group I (normal); group II had first detected, early untreated Hashimoto disease (EH); group III comprised of chronic Hashimoto patients that are under treatment and/or follow up (H); group IV had multinodular parenchymal hyperplasia (M); and group V had nodular hyperplasia with Hashimoto (HM). They underwent spectral Doppler ultrasound and acoustic radiation force impulse using Siemens ACUSON S2000 machine. Quantitative spectral doppler parameters such as resistivity index (RI), acceleration time (AT) and quantitative elastography such as shear wave velocity (SWV) was recorded. Results: The distribution of patients depending on illnesses, with each group having 20 patients. The mean RI in group I was 0.56, in group II it was 0.59, in group III it was 0.44, in group IV it was 0.50, and in group V it was 0.52. The mean AT in group I was 25.8, in group II it was 24.7, in group III it was 69.4, in group IV it was 45.7, and in group V it was 44.4. The mean SWV in group I was 1.48, in group II it was 1.67, in group III it was 1. The change was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The resistivity index, acceleration time and shear wave velocity combination are useful for differential diagnosis of parenchymal thyroid disorders.

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