
Volume 9 Issue 6 (June, 2021)

Case Reports

Role of complete denture salivary reservoir in palliative care of depression
Saloni Kumari, Nishant Ganju , Samad Kabir

Depression is a common occurrence among geriatric patients, especially if the patients are thought to have been suffering from elder maltreatment by their caretakers. In developing less moderate countries like India, the standard caretakers of elderly are their children which is based on the old social system. The impact of depression in individuals can either affect their ongoing medical treatment or antidepressant drugs, taken by patients can add problems to other medical /dental treatments. We present a case of an elderly female patient, who was taking two antidepressant drugs since few years and was a confirmed case of xerostomia. The patient was suffering from elder neglect which was verified from a questionnaire (EASI – elder abuse suspicion index). Maxillary complete denture was modified to hold an enabled large volume salivary reservoir. The technique used fabricating a template and hollowing the area through use of putty and ball bearings. After removal, the area of removal was sealed through the use of self cure resin. Impact of elder abuse on denture has also been discussed.

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