
Volume 6 Issue 8 (August, 2018)

Original Articles

Effectiveness of electro acupuncture therapy in autonomic status and pain of chronic low back pain
Ashish Kumar

Background:Pain that lasts more than 12 weeks is referred to as chronic low back pain (LBP), and it is frequently linked to trauma or degenerative disorders of the spine. The present study was conducted to assess effectiveness of electro acupuncture therapy in autonomic status and pain of chronic low back pain. Materials & Methods:60 patients with chronic low back pain (LBP)of both genderswere split into two study groups at random. Group I underwent ten sessions of electroacupuncture at the GB and UB points while group II received oral Valdecoxib along with supervised physical therapy. Equal number of healthy controls (60) were put in group III. Non-invasive cardiovascular autonomic function tests, such as the sustained handgrip test, postural challenge test, E:I ratio, and 30:15 ratio, the global perceived effect (GPE) and the visual analogue scale (VAS) were recorded. Results: The mean weight was 58.2 kgs, 58.5 kgs and 59.3 kgs in group I, II and III respectively. BMI was 21.4, 21.8 and 23.5, basal heart rate was 72.4 bpm, 73.2 bpm and 74.8 bpm respectively. A significant (P< 0.05) difference in E: I ratio, 30: 15 ratio, SBP, DBP, PCT and SHT change in blood pressure in all groups. Before and after GPE value in group I was 2.6 and 5.1 and in group II was 2.3 and 5.9 respectively. The mean VAS was 6.4 and 3.9 and 6.5 and 4.2 before and after in group I and II respectively. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: When compared to the medication group, the participants in the acupuncture group had a better response, suggesting that acupuncture may be used as an additional or alternative treatment for persistent LBP.

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