
Volume 5 Issue 2 (February, 2017)

Original Articles

Assessment of uterine mass lesions using MRI
Kirti Sharma

Background:Uterine mass lesions are a worldwide issue that is frequently observed. Within the reproductive age group, mass lesions in the uterus affect 15–20% of women. The present study assessed the uterine mass lesions using MRI. Materials & Methods:84 patients of uterine mass lesionswere subjected to MRI examination. Results: The age group <40 years had 38, 41-50 years had 26 and 51-60 years had 20 patients. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Common complaints were pain in 23, discharge per vaginal in 38, mass abdomen in 49, dysmenorrhoea in 6, and bleeding per vaginal in 30 patients. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Pelvic MR imaging is a well-tolerated, non-invasive method that accurately characterizes uterine mass lesions with good histological correlate.

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