
Volume 7 Issue 8 (August, 2019)

Original Articles

Anxiety and depression following stroke- A clinical study
Tushar Goyal, Deepak Bansal

Background:Following a stroke, anxiety is often crippling. Intervention trials have ignored the many treatment modalities for phobic and generalized anxiety, treating anxiety as a homogenous illness, as stroke trialists have done. The present study was conducted to evaluate anxiety and depression following a stroke. Materials & Methods:124 patients of stroke of both genders were studied. Parameterssuch as type of stroke, underlying disease, and stroke onset were recorded. Results: Out of 124 patients, males were 70 and females were 54. The type of stroke was infarct in 60 and hemorrhagic in 64, weakness side was right in 40, left in 54, and bilateral in 30 patients. Comorbid diseases seen were diabetes in 52, hypertension in 74, dyslipidemia in 102, and previous stroke in 29 patients. Smoking was present in 74, and alcoholism in 82 patients. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Common risk factors for anxiety and depression in patients with stroke werehypertension (0.42), smoking (0.35), male gender(1.72), dyslipidemia (0.53), and infarction (2.31). The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Following a stroke, anxiety and depression are frequent. Male gender, smoking, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and infarction were common risk factors.

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