
Volume 7 Issue 5 (May, 2019)

Original Articles

Somatic Markers and Behavioural Decision Making: The Role of Body Signals in Cognitive Processes
Venkateswar Pujari, S. Parvathisam

The integration of somatic markers, which are bodily signals associated with emotions, with cognitive processes plays a crucial role in decision making. This review paper explores the role of somatic markers in behavioral decision making and their impact on cognitive processes. Five key areas are discussed: (1) Definition and theoretical foundations of somatic markers; (2) Neural mechanisms underlying somatic markers; (3) Influence of somatic markers on decision making; (4) Impact of somatic markers on risk perception and reward processing; and (5) Clinical implications and future directions. Through an extensive literature review, this paper provides insights into the complex interplay between somatic markers and cognitive processes, shedding light on their potential applications in clinical settings and highlighting future research directions. Understanding the role of somatic markers in decision making has important implications for psychiatric disorders and addictive behaviors. Therapeutic interventions targeting somatic markers may help improve decision-making abilities. Future research should focus on unraveling the underlying neural mechanisms of somatic markers and exploring individual differences in somatic marker functioning to identify biomarkers for decision-making abilities and vulnerability to psychiatric disorders.

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