
Volume 9 Issue 6 (June, 2021)

Original Articles

Mucormycosis- A New Threat in Pandemic
Dr. Susheel Kumar, Dr. Sasi Theja Anche, Dr. Musaib Syed, Dr. Jayjit Dutta, Dr. Faizan A. Khan, Dr. Aarti P. Mali

The second wave of COVID-19 has affected India substantially, with the highest number of daily reported cases being slightly more than 0.4 million on May 7, 2021, and has declined since. Even though the number of new reported cases has reduced, India still contributed to approximately 45% of the new cases detected globally and nearly 34% of the deaths globally during the third week of May, 2021. As India continues to achieve stability over the existing situation, another imminent threat has emerged as a challenge to India in the form of corona virus disease-associated mucormycosis. Mucormycosis, caused by a group of moulds called mucormycetes, is a rare but potentially fatal infection if inadequately treated. Often referred to as the so-called black fungus, the incidence of mucormycosis has risen more rapidly during the second wave compared with the first wave of COVID-19 in India, with at least 14 872 cases as of May 28, 2021. The most common causes attributed to the rise of mucormycosis in COVID-19 patients are uncontrolled diabetes, the excessive use of corticosteroids for immunosuppression, and long-term stays in the intensive care unit. The aim of present review of literature is to discuss this newer threat in detail.

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