
Volume 8 Issue 1 (January, 2020)

Original Articles

Keto folversus Propofol for electroconvulsive therapy
Chandan Kumar, Anil Kumar

Background: Common drugs used for ECT anesthesia are Methohexital, Thiopental, Etomidate, and Propofol. The present study was conducted to compare Ketofol and Propofol for electroconvulsive therapy. Materials & Methods: 60 patients with motor seizurewas randomized into two groups of 30 each. Group I were given an initial dose of 0.5mg/kg Propofol. Group IIwere administered an initial dose of 0.5mg/kg Ketofol (0.25 mg/kg of Propofol + 0.25 mg/kg of ketamine). Parameters such as motor seizure duration, hemodynamicprofile and recovery times were recorded. Results: Motor seizure duration (sec) was 24.5 in group I and 30.4 in group II, time of spontaneous breathing (sec) was 322.1 in group I and 290.2 in group II, time of spontaneous eye-opening (sec) was 545.8 in group I and 504.8 in group II and time of obeying commands (sec) was 710.3 in group I and 725.2 in group II. The difference was non- significant (P> 0.05). At baseline, mean heart rate (bpm) was 86.5 and 87.2, systolic BP (mmHg) was 120. 4 and 125.5, diastolic BP (mmHg) was 80.2 and 78.0, MAP (mmHg) was 96.4 and 91.3 and SPO2 (%) was 98.2 and 98.1 in group I and II respectively. The difference was non- significant (P> 0.05). The mean heart rate was 92.3 and 102.7, SBP (mm Hg) was 134.2 and 138.4, DBP (mm Hg) was 87.5 and 88.2, MAP was 102.6 and 104.6 and SPO2(%) was 98.2 and 98.4 in group I and II respectively. The difference was non- significant (P> 0.05). Conclusion: There was no difference in recovery parameters. Both Ketofol and Propofol produced adequate motor seizure duration.

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