
Volume 6 Issue 7 (July, 2018)

Original Articles

Evaluation of social media addiction in young adults
Amarpreet Singh

Background: The use of social media applications has become an essential part of daily life. Healthy internet use helps individuals use multiple skills, such as reading, writing, selecting, and classifying, while collecting information. The present study was conducted to evaluate social media addiction in young adults. Materials & Methods: 280 subjects age ranged 18- 25 years of both genders were subjected to a 20-item social media addiction questionnaire (SMAQ) to measure addiction-like behavior and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality index (PSQI) was used to assess sleep quality. Results: Out of 245 subjects, males were 115 and females were 130. The mean SMAQ in age group 18-21 years had 56.6 and in age group 22-24 years had 65.8. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). The sleep quality good was seen in 150 and SMAQ value was 58.1 and 95 had poor and SMAQ value was 65.2. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Authors found that age group 18-21 years exhibited low value of SMAQ and had poor sleep quality.

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