
Volume 9 Issue 5 (May, 2021)

Review Articles

Effect of change in occlusal vertical dimension on the masticatory muscles and TMDS: A review of literature
Dr Sarvesh Arora

Increasing the occlusal vertical dimension for gaining sufficient restoration space in the management of severely worn dentition is being practiced. Bite raising can be done to rehabilitate an extremely worn dentition with lack of space for restoration and as a temporary symptom reliever in intra-capsular TMJ problems.Any modification of dental status, saliva flow or neuromuscular apparatus can affect mastication and nutrition. Oral incapacities affect mastication for solid and semi-solid foods. There is no indication that permanent alteration in the OVD will produce long-lasting TMD symptoms. Permanent occlusal changes should only be attempted after the patient has demonstrated adaptability at the new vertical dimension.

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