
Volume 9 Issue 4 (April, 2021)

Original Articles

In recent years, the most important role in the regulation of immunopathological mechanisms, in particular allergic reactions, has been assigned to cytokines. The aim of the study is to assess the characteristics of the immunological nature in children su
Abdusattor A. Nosirov, Temur T. Narbaev, Fatkhulla F. Bayakhmedov

From 1995 to 2019, 2,100 children with urolithiasis were admitted to the surgical department of the clinic of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, among them 305 children had early, bilateral, multiple, coral, nephrolithiasis with stone discharge and symptoms of polydipsia and polyuria (14.5%) who were tested for primary hyperparathyroidism. As a result of the study, primary hyperparathyroidism was diagnosed in 52 children (2.47%) (main group). For the comparison group, 54 children with urolithiasis without primary hyperparathyroidism were selected. The study was conducted at the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Endocrinology and the TashPMI clinic, in the period from 1995 to 2019. A specific norm for each of the studied indicators was established by examining 44 practically healthy peers (children who do not suffer from kidney and endocrine system diseases). Keywords: urolithiasis, parathyroid hormone, parathyroid gland, primary hypothyroidism, urology, endocrinology

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