
Volume 8 Issue 12 (December, 2020)

Case Reports

Management of Isolated Gingival Recession using laterally moved, coronally advanced flap- A case report
Maj (Dr) Deepak Sharma, Col (Dr) T Prasanth, Lt Col (Dr) Manab Kosala, Brig (Dr) S K Bhandari, Surg Lt Cdr (Dr) Muneesh Joshi

Gingival recession is defined as the apical migration of gingival margin below cemento-enamel-junction. Exposed root surfaces can lead to hypersensitivity, increased plaque accumulation, poor aesthetics, root caries, non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) and attachment loss. Surgical root coverage techniques include pedicle grafts, such as coronally advanced flap, rotational lateral positional flaps (LPF), double papilla flaps, free grafts such as sub epithelial connective tissue grafts and free gingival grafts and guided tissue regeneration using barrier membranes. Lateral positioned flap is commonly used to cover isolated denuded roots with adequate vestibule depth and donor tissue adjacent to the recession area. LPF offers single surgical site, preserved blood supply to the flap and excellent aesthetics due to harmonization of color. Various modifications of the laterally sliding flap have been proposed to reduce the risk of post-surgical recession at the donor tooth site, but the reported root coverage predictability was quite low. This case report demonstrates the management of class II Millers recession, using ‘Laterally moved, Coronally advanced flap’. The case demonstrated 100% root coverage at 6 months follow up. Keywords: Gingival recession, Pedicle flap; Zucchelli’s technique.

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