
Volume 8 Issue 7 (July, 2020)

Case Reports

Fibrous Dysplasia of a Craniofacial Complex- Case Report
Santanu Mukherjee, Jayanta Chatterjee

Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a bone disorder in which fibrous connective tissue replaces normal bone. This is an anomaly caused by bone forming mesenchyme characterized by a defect in osteoblastic differentiation and maturation. it is a non neoplastic, developmental disease of the bone that begins in childhood with obscure etiology. Clinically, it is presented as a continuously growing, painless mass at late childhood. Maxilla and mandible are mostly involved in facial skeleton. Involvement of the zygomatic bone is rare. Fibrous dysplasia of the zygomatic bone may cause orbital dystopia, diplopia, proptosis, loss of visual acuity, swelling, mass formation, or facial asymmetry. This report describes the case of a 34-year old male patient who had presented himself with painless swelling of left lateral frontozygomatic suture i.e. lateral buttress of midface and was diagnosed with FD with the help of CT scan of face with 3D reconstruction and histopathology. Key words: Nonhereditary, Frontozygomatic Suture, 3D Reconstruction, Mccune-Albright Syndrome, Cafe Au Lait Spots.

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