
Volume 8 Issue 2 (February, 2020)

Case Reports

Schwannoma of the Tongue - A Case Report
Shashi Keshwar, Ashish Shrestha, Mehul R Jaisani, Pradeep Acharya

Neurilemmoma or Schwannoma is the benign nerve sheath tumour. It is a solitary and encapsulated tumour that arise from Schwann cells of the peripheral nerve sheath. About 25-48% of all Schwannomas are located in head and neck region while intraoral location is uncommon and only 1-12% of all head and neck schwannomas. This article reports a case of schwannoma of the tongue in a 21-year-old male patient, involving the posterior dorsal surface of the tongue, which was slow growing and gradually increased in size. Complete excision of the tumour was done. The histopathological evaluation revealed streaming fascicles of spindle shaped Schwann cells surrounding eosinophilic acellular area of Verocay bodies in palisaded pattern of spindle shaped cells with high cellularity known as Antoni A pattern and randomly arranged less cellular Antoni B pattern confirming the diagnosis of schwannoma.

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