
Volume 8 Issue 2 (February, 2020)

Original Articles

Effects of 5 flourouracil in combination with crystalline triamcinolone acetonide suspension in treatment of keloids- A clinical study
Dhwani Gupta, Parul Aggarwal

Background: Keloids commonly appear on the upper trunk, and, in contrast to hypertrophic scars, which may show a similar appearance. The present study was conducted to assessed therapeutic effects of 5 flourouracil in combination with crystalline triamcinolone acetonide suspension in treatment of keloids. Materials & Methods: 80 patients with keloids of both genders were treated with cryotherapy and TAC every 4 weeks at least three times. Outcome and adverse events were recorded. Results: Out of 80 patients, males were 35 and females were 45. Common site was chest in 35, shoulder in 10, back in 5 and all sites in 30 patients. Previous therapy was TAP in 12, cryotherapy in 6 and laser therapy in 7 patients. Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) at baselinewas 8.9, at 1 month was 2.5 and at 12 months was 2.2. Adverse effects were hyperpigmentation in 7, teleangiectasia in 3, ulceration in 2 and systemic side effects in 2 patients. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: The combination of 5-FU and TAC in treatment of keloids found be efficient.

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