
Volume 9 Issue 4 (April, 2021)

Original Articles

A Retrospective Study on Investigation of Cytological Accurateness in Metastatic Lymphadenopathy
Dr Umesh Kumar Khandelwal, Dr Monika Gupta

Introduction: Study was undertaken to evaluate the diagnostic role of fine needle aspiration cytology in superficial lymphadenopathy in a regional cancer. Very often, the diagnosis of preterm labour is itself difficult and most often made at an advanced stage of labour. Materials and Methods: The smears were stained with Papanicolaou, Leishman, Hematoxylin and Eosin stains. Where-ever tissue samples were available sections were stained and processed with Hematoxylin and Eosin stain. Cyto-morphological features like cell population, cellular pattern, individual cell morphology, etc. Result: Out of the 312 cases of metastatic lesions, 162 cases were squamous cell type, 46 cases were invasive ductal and 31 cases were adenocarcinoma. Conclusion: It is suitable for developing countries with limited financial and health care resources by which in the hands of an experienced person can minimize the economic burden and avoid the need for excision biopsy.

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