
Volume 9 Issue 4 (April, 2021)

Original Articles

Third molar impaction status of different mandibular length and facial types
Priya Gaur, Bhaskar Bhardwaj

Background: The major factors related to tooth impaction are lack of space, limited skeletal growth, increased crown size and late maturation of the third molars. The present study assessed third molar impaction status based on different mandibular length and facial type. Materials & Methods: 130 patients selected for the study underwent lateral cephalogram and panoramic radiograph (OPG). Parameters such as facial height, mandibular length and status of mandibular third molar was assessed. Results: Out of 70 males, impaction was present in 40 in which 13 had short, 22 had normal and 5 had long mandibular length. In females, 35 had impaction present in which 13 had short, 15 had normal and 7 had long mandibular length. In males in which impaction was present, 3 had Hypereuryprosopic, 12 had Euryprosopic, 7 had Mesoprosopic and 18 had Lepto/Hyperleptoprosopic facial index. In females, 6 had Hypereuryprosopic, 14 had Euryprosopic, 3 had Mesoprosopic and 12 had Lepto/Hyperleptoprosopic facial index. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: A significant association noted between mandibular third molar impaction and mandibular length. Maximum impaction was seen in patients with Lepto/Hyperleptoprosopic facial index.

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