
Volume 3 Issue 2 (April - June, 2015)

Review Articles

Meha Sharma, Muhammad Nishad Thyath, Gaurav Narang, Megha Sharma

Child abuse and neglect had increased dramatically in past ten years and this data is still under reported. Dentists are in a strategic position to recognize mistreated children. While the detection of dental care
neglect is an obvious responsibility for dentists, other types of child abuse and neglect also may present
themselves in the dental office. The characteristics and diagnostic findings of physical abuse (non-accidental trauma), sexual abuse, failure to thrive (nutritional neglect), intentional drugging or poisoning,
Mumhausen’s syndrome by proxy, health care neglect safety neglect, emotional abuse, and physical neglect all should be familiar to the dentist. Therefore, physicians and dentists are encouraged to collaborate to increase the prevention, detection, and treatment of these conditions.
Key Words:   Child abuse, Dental Neglect, Sexual abuse, Physical abuse, Emotional abuse.

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