
Volume 5 Issue 2 (February, 2017)

Original Articles

Pinki Kumari

Background: Radiation is one of the factors with proven negative adverse effect on human and living beings. Most physicians significantly underestimated doses associated with various imaging modalities. Literature quotes paucity of studies evaluating the knowledge of medical students regarding relative radiation doses associated with different diagnostic imaging investigations. Hence; the present study was conducted to assess the knowledge and awareness of medical students regarding radiation exposures associated with common diagnostic imaging procedures. Materials & methods: The present study included assessment of knowledge and awareness of 480 medical students of the institute regarding radiation exposures associated with common diagnostic imaging procedures. The anonymous questionnaire followed a multiple choice format divided into two sections: section 1 included student demographics and a self-assessment of knowledge of radiology compared with other medical subjects, as well as previous exposure to instruction and lectures/teaching in radiology. Results were stratified according to gender difference, previous exposure to instruction or lectures/teaching in diagnostic radiology, teaching in radiation protection and perceived knowledge of radiology. Results: From all the medical professional years including the post-graduates, 80 students each were selected. Mean score among first and second year student was 7.01 and 9.21 respectively. Mean score among third year and fourth year was 9.50 and 10.01 respectively. Among interns and post-graduate students, the mean score was found to be 12.23 and 15.87 respectively. Among first and second year students, 92 and 99 percent of the subjects had associating ionising radiations in chest radiographs. Conclusion: Although an increase in knowledge of medical students with advancing professional year is seen, there is lack of overall awareness
Key words: Awareness, Medical, Radiation

Corresponding author: Dr. Pinki Kumari, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, RKDF Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal M.P.

This article may be cited as: Kumari P. Assessment of knowledge of medical students about radiation exposures associated with radiologic diagnostic imaging techniques. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res 2017;5(2):45-48.

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