
Volume 7 Issue 1 (January, 2019)

Original Articles

Permeatal sandwich tympanoplasty and postaural underlay technique of tympanoplasty- A comparative study
Jagveer Singh Yadav

Background: Over the period of time, tympanoplasty has undergone notable changes. The present study was conducted to compare permeatal sandwich tympanoplasty and postaural underlay technique of tympanoplasty. Materials & Methods: 120 cases suffering from chronic suppurative otitis media were divided into 2 groups of 60 each. Group I were treated with permeatal sandwich tympanoplasty and group II were treated with postaural underlay technique of tympanoplasty. Size of perforation and hearing loss were compared. Results: Group I had 20 males and 10 females and group II had 18 males and 12 females. Size was large central was 15 in group I and 18 in group II, moderate central 10 in group I and 6 in group II and small 5 in group I and 6 in group II. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Results showed that in group-1, time period of surgery was 78.0 ± 4.2 min while in group-2, it was 60.1 ± 2.8 min. Less amount of time taken in per-meatal approach tympanoplasty in comparison with post-aural approach tympanoplasty. P-value was found significant i.e. < 0.001. Conclusion: Permeatal Sandwich technique demonstrated better results as compared to Postaural approach. Key words: Suppurative otitis media, Permeatal Sandwich technique, postaural underlay technique.

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