
Volume 8 Issue 9 (September, 2020)

Original Articles

Effect of preoperative medications on the efficacy of inferior alveolar nerve block in patients with irreversible pulpitis- A placebo-controlled clinical study
Dr. A V Thomas Raja, Dr. Bhavan Chand Yemineni, Dr. Vatsalya Lukka, Dr. Sahita Danne, Dr. Kaluri Lakshmi Sameera, Dr. Shareen Babu Perika

Aim: The aim of this prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was to equate the effect of the administration of preoperative 7.5mg meloxicam, ketorolac 10 mg versus placebo for the potential increased effectiveness of the inferior alveolar nerve block [IANB] anesthesia. Material & Methods: Total of 150 endodontic emergency patients in moderate to severe pain diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis of a mandibular posterior tooth randomly received, in a double-blind manner. They were given either placebo, 10 mg ketorol, or 7.5mg meloxicam an hour before local anaesthesia. Each participant recorded their pain score on a 10 centimetre visual analogue scale four times during the procedure. Pain was recorded: 1) before taking the analgesic, 2) 15 minutes after anaesthesia in response to an electric pulp test 3) during access cavity preparation and 4) during biomechanical preparation. No or mild pain at any stage was reported as success. Results: Data were analysed by the Kruskal-Wallis and one-way analysis of variance tests. Ketorol and meloxicam showed significantly better results than placebo (p<0.05). The success rates were 92%, 88% and 60% for ketorol, meloxicam and placebo, respectively. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between ketorol and meloxicam (p>0.05). The study concludes premedication with ibuprofen and meloxicam significantly enhances the effectiveness of local anaesthesia in patients with irreversible pulpitis. Key Words: Preoperative medication, IANB, Irreversible Pulpitis.

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