
Volume 8 Issue 6 (June, 2020)

Case Reports

Post Traumatic Deformity and Condylar Head Resorption - Report & Review
Suyog K. Pradhan, Yadnit Bhosale, Nandini Dayalan, Ruthika Shivajirao Patil, Ankita Raj, Abhinav Chopra, Shalini Singh

Mandibular condyle is one of the most common sites of injury of the facial skeleton. Moreover, in head and neck regions, it is the least diagnosed site of the trauma. Trauma to the mandible, especially to Condylar zone may manifest as asymmetry or bilateral mandibular distortion later in life when the etiology is unknown to most people. The present case report is about an adult female com- planning about clicking at the right side as a result of trauma few months back. The Condylar process of the mandible locates away from the direct traumatic insults; however it is a structure with frequent facial traumatic injury. The aim of the study was to evaluate the structural changes of TMJ (soft and hard tissues) immediately after unilateral Condylar fracture using MRI and to evaluate their influence on the prognosis after closed treatment. Keywords: Condylar deformity, Condylar resorption, mandibular condyle, trauma

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