
Volume 7 Issue 12 (December, 2019)

Case Reports

Management of endo-perio compromised tooth by retreatment and hemisection
Padma Chandra, Rajesh Prasad, Jagdish Chandra, Surendra Kumar Mishra

When untreated, the preceding endodontally and periodontal disease inevitably leads to loss of tooth. The patients ' growing desire to retain their dentition has led to the development of the hemisection procedure. It is a useful alternative to extraction, removal or fixed partial denture to save the multi-rooted tooth with periodontal, endodontic, restorative, or prosthetic complications. Hemisection refers to removal or separation of root with its associated crown portion of two-rooted teeth, most commonly mandibular molars. This article reports case of a retreatment of tooth followed by hemisection and prosthesis. Keywords: Endo-perio lesion, hemisection, mandibular molar.

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