
Volume 7 Issue 8 (August, 2019)

Review Articles

Oral Manifestation of Helminth Infection Due to Nematode
Emma Rachmawati, Nani Murniati, Winny Yohana

Nematode is helminth that have body shape of rounded, not segmented, its body cavity has a simple digestive tract starting with the oral cavity on the anterior side and ending at the anus on the posterior side. Some species live as parasites in human body as a host at certain stages in their life cycle that may be transmitted through soil and vector. Parasitic infections have very high prevalence especially in countries that have warm and humid climate. There are two species of nematode that may provoke oral manifestation are those Ancylostoma sp. and Filariae sp. Ancylostoma sp. can cause hookworm-related cutaneous larva migrans(HrCLM) is that the self-limited disease caused by worm larvae migration under skin which will provide the typical clinical symptoms as erythematous and linear lesion of oral mucosa. On the other hand, Filariae sp. may cause perioral lymphatic filariasis (LF) is that filariasis that is initiated by the emergence of nodules in the oral mucosa without causing pain but sometimes there is an itching in the nodules. Both of the disease are rare but it is still a possibility to be suffered by vulnerable individual and if it is so, administration of anthelmintic would be needed in order to accelerate healing process.
Key words: Oral manifestation, helminth infection, nematode.

Received: 13 March, 2019                                         Revised:  22 April 2019                             Accepted: 25 April 2019

Corresponding author: Emma Rachmawati, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University, Bandung-Indonesia

This article may be cited as: Rachmawati E, Murniati N, Yohana W. Oral Manifestation of Helminth Infection Due to Nematode. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res 2019;7(8): 211-213.

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