
Volume 4 Issue 2 (March - April, 2016)

Original Articles

Assessment of Radiologic Manifestation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in paediatric patients- Retrospective study
Sushum Kumar Verma

Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of disease, both pulmonary and extrapulmonary, and death in children from TB-endemic areas. Hence; we planned the present study to assess the radiological manifestations of pulmonary tuberculosis in paediatric patients. Materials & methods: Data records of a total of 50 paediatric patients were included in the present study. Data records of only those patient was analysed in which diagnosis of tuberculosis was confirmed by clinical, bacteriologic and radiologic features as well as tuberculin skin test. Radiographs and computed tomography scans were evaluated. All the data from the record files of the patients was extracted. Data records before the starting of the anti-tubercular therapy were analysed. Results: Unilateral nodular infiltration was seen in 28 percent of the patients. Bilateral nodular infiltration was present in 4 patients.  Patchy consolidation was present in 24 percent of the patients. Calcified nodule was present in 6 percent of the patients. Fibrotic scar, cavity and hilar lymph node were present in 8, 16 and 76 percent of the patients. Conclusion: Radiographic imaging is valuable diagnostic tools for tuberculosis patients.

Key words: Paediatric, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Radiological.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Sushum Kumar Verma, Department of Radiology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

This article may be cited as: Verma SK. Assessment of Radiologic Manifestation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in paediatric patients: Retrospective study. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res 2016;4(2):161-164.

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