
Volume 5 Issue 10 (October, 2017)

Original Articles

Correlation of Age, Height and Weight with Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in Children
Sajjan Lal Verma

Background: Peak Expiratory Flow Rate is a convenient and reliable measurement in diagnosing and monitoring the progress of airflow limitation and evaluating the response to treatment. The present study was conducted to correlate age, height and weight with PEFR in study population. Materials & Methods: This study included 520 subjects. All the parents filled a self-administered questionnaire to obtain general information. Age of each subject was obtained from children date of birth certificate. Height and weight were measured according to a standardized protocol. PEFR was measured with mini-Wright compatible ‘asthma plan peak flow meter’ which had a range of 50- 800 L/min and readable to the nearest 10 L/min. Results: It included 260 boys and 260 girls. The difference was non- significant (P-1). Age, height, weight and PEFR were higher in boys than girls. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Girls achieved pubertal changes at younger age when compared to boys. As analyzed by Tanner staging. Conclusion: PEFR is positively correlated with age, height and weight of subjects. This is one of the indicator for respiratory diseases commonly seen in children.
Key words: Height, Peak Expiratory, Weight


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