
Volume 8 Issue 9 (September, 2020)

Review Articles

Changing Trends in Dentistry amidst COVID-19- A Review Article
Eeha Chhajer, Vinisha Pandey

Human history is observing a very strange time fighting an invisible enemy in the form of COVID-19. As Dentists, we face the challenge of working in and around the oral cavity which is one of the ports of entry for the virus. The unique nature of Dentistry, involves aerosol particles which augments the risk of disease transmission by many folds. Therefore, it is important to take necessary measures to avoid cross-contamination. This review tries to provide an overview of harmful effects of aerosols and also enlists some of the standard precautions which include: pre-procedural mouth rinse, use of High Vacuum Evacuators for all procedures, and use of rubber dam wherever possible. Apart from these precautions, it is also very important to maintain the hygiene levels of the clinic. These precautions will possibly reduce the viral load in a dental setting and prevent aerosolized infections. Keywords: Novel Coronavirus, Dentistry, Aerosol Disinfection, Triage, Cross Contamination, Infection Control, COVID-19.

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