
Volume 6 Issue 11 (November, 2018)

Original Articles

Assessment of Patient’s Attitude towards Dental Implants
Sonia Pradhan, H.S.Markam and Heeralal Chokotiya

Introduction: Replacement of missing or lost teeth with dental prostheses supported by oral implants has been accepted and received positive evaluations from patients who have undergone implant treatment. In spite of this, information which is known to the patients regarding the procedure and its success is often incomplete. In view of this, the present study was undertaken to evaluate patients knowledge towards implants as well as to study factors acting as hindrances in undergoing dental implant procedures. Material and Methods: The present cross-sectional study was carried among 150 patients visiting either removal of teeth or for the replacement of missing teeth to evaluate the attitude and knowledge of patients toward dental implants as an alternative for replacement of missing teeth. Data was obtained from the participants using a self-administered structured closed ended questionnaire and was analysed using excel sheet and number and percentage was obtained accordingly. Results: 43% participants revealed lifetime wish to undergo implant supported dentures/bridges. Regarding factors acting as hindrances in undergoing dental implants, 49% reported financial issues, 40% fear of surgery. Regarding source of information regarding dental implants among patients, 64% reported dentists were the main source of information followed by friends and relatives, media (TV, newspaper and magazines) comprised 9%, internet consisted of 3% and other sources being 2%. Conclusion: The present study concludes that patients knowledge regarding implants was not adequate and hence there is necessity to deliver correct information to the patients about this treatment modality. However, the incidence of biological and technical complications should not be underestimated and should be considered with caution. Key words: Dental implants; Edentulous patients; Prosthesis.

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